Frequently Asked Questions

Why this web blog.

This blog gives Don Campbell a chance to explain his projects and relate them to his accomplishments.

  1. A personal homepage.
  2. Belongs to Don Campbell,
  3. Student
  4. Master’s Degree
  5. Ed.S. Degree
  6. Ed.D. doctoral degree
  7. To help new students achieve Other students can have similar success in their academic programs by digitizing the material and using proximity searching.

Dr. Sweller, Australia

Don Campbell has made contact with John Sweller, retired psychologist and father of cognitive load theory. Don has used many concepts from Dr. Sweller in his work, thesis, and dissertation.

  1. World expert on cognitive load on student
  2. Short-term memory only lasts 30 minutes.
  3. You should focus on long-term memory that lets you remember for the rest of your life.

Proximity Searching

Proximity searching is much more efficient than Boolean searching (i.e. Google). Don has confirmed this with Dr. Russell of Google.

  1. Key words that are 10 words between each other.
  2. Helps give high grades. mentioned before. See Video
  3. Grade follow you.

Campbell dissertation

Move this to a part of #3. It is an expansion of that one.

  1. On cognize load and proximity sacking.
  2. Proximity searching is using a machine to replace a cognitive load.
  3. It is better than your mind
  4. The instructor has had years of long term memory of a subject and you have a few minutes.


Here are comments Don has received from various professors in general and from specific classes.

  1. Buckley Ph.D. History Grand Canyon Univesity. Excellent work! Keep it up.
  2. 2010 18 pages of comments by Dr. Golemo at GCU 100%, Keep it up
  3. Comment WEEK 2-1: Neatly summarized. I like the extra information. (Dieter Bartels PhD)
  4. Comment WEEK 2-2: FOOD FOR THOUGHT
  5. Unique answer! (Dieter Bartels PhD)
  6. Comment: WEEK 3-3 KEY TERMS Very impressive! AS (Adriana Shores TA)
  7. Comment Awesome job! AS (Adriana Shores TA)
  8. Comment WEEK 3-1 SUMMARY Thorough job, Don! (Dieter Bartels PhD)
  9. Comment WEEK 3-2: VISUAL I’m impressed! This was beyond the call of duty… (Dieter Bartels PhD) it shows that you did a lot of work this week — more than I reasonably can expect. (Dieter Bartels PhD)Keep up the good work! (Dieter Bartels PhD)
  10. Liberty University Online for the 2014-15 academic year. Welcome to the Liberty Online family! Our faculty and staff are here to assist you in reaching your academic and professional goals.
  11. Great posting, Don, and fantastic and important information, Dr. Glemo, MC History, It appears that part of this one got cut off.
  12. Congratulations on your academic achievement! As a result of your dedication to scholarly success, the Phi Theta Kappa chapter on this campus extends to you an invitation to accept membership in the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College. Membership eligibility is based on the number of hours you have completed and your outstanding GPA; therefore, membership is a special honor afforded to a small group of outstanding students. From Don’s invitation to join the International Honor Society.
  13. Comparison of Don’s scores with those of the class average on discussion questions for one class. During this class and throughout his academic programs Don used proximity searching of digital material he collected for each class, including the textbook(s), articles from the internet, teacher notes, the Top Gun Scholar library, and more. The columns in this one are not correct. It appears that one may be missing.